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Home Neverwinter Nights Neverwinter Nights 2

Persistente Welt - Deteilseite

Name: 3 Towns
Beschreibung: https://nwn.fandom.com/wiki/Three_Towns

The Three Towns is a server vault persistent world. The Three Towns takes its name from three small settlements that have entered into a mutual trade and protection pact in the turbulent years following a Cataclysm: Wheaton, Fer and Arakan. These towns lie in a somewhat triangular formation at the eastern end of a landmass, blocked by impassable mountains to the north, inhospitable forests to the south, and the enemy pressing in from the west. Each town has its own strength and resources; Wheaton its grain and sheltered position, Fer its access to what little iron is left in the mountains, and the skills of the dwarves who make them their home, and Arakan its closely guarded magical secrets. Together, this fragile alliance has thus far managed to hold the enemy in the central fields, known commonly as the Contested Areas. What limited manpower the towns possess is dedicated to holding their lines at the passes into Fer and Arakan, but they lack the sheer forces required to drive them from the Contested Areas.

There are more settlements than just the Three Towns, but these are relatively isolated, by circumstance and sometimes by choice. These small settlements are poorer than the Three Towns, generally speaking, but usually have they provide an alternate base of operations for adventurers seeking to stay closer to the enemy's deeper holdings.
Spiel: NwN
Setting: Forgotten Realms
Genre: Action
PvP: ja
Online-Termine: ständig
Notwendige Downloads: 0 bis 25 MB
Notwendige Erweiterungen: Schatten von Undernzit Horden des Unterreichs
Anmeldung ab: speziell
Beschränkungen: siehe Wiki:
Anzahl der Spielleiter: > 10
Maximale Spieleranzahl: 60
Maximal erreichbares Level: 40
Beschränkung der Erfahrungspunkte: nein
Kämpfe: schwer
Fallen: k. A.
Besondere oder seltene Items: uneinheitlich
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Kommentare (1) geschrieben von Mogli_UTH

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