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PC Action
Als in den 70er- und 80er-Jahren die Pen-and-Paper-Rollenspiele aufkamen, saßen begeisterte Spieler stundenlang mit guten Freunden an einem Tisch und erkundeten in ihrer Fantasie unheimliche Höhlen, verwunschene Ruinen, mysteriöse Wälder und traten Untoten, Orks und Drachen mit Schwert und Magie gegenüber. Selbst heute noch erfreut sich diese Art von Gesellschaftsspiel großer Beliebtheit. Seit einigen Jahren auch auf dem PC. Neverwinter Nights 2 von Obsidian Entertainment versetzt Sie in die fantastische Welt der Vergessenen Reiche. Es erwartet Sie ein Abenteuer, das Sie sowohl alleine als auch mit bis zu vier Mitspielern gemeinsam meistern.
Games Radar
Promising a huge, story-intensive quest, endless battles and tools to customize it however you like, Neverwinter Nights 2 looks to have everything an RPG fan could want. We don't know yet how it plays, but we recently got another, deeper look at the game's pieces. And don't let the oddly boring, publisher-issue Images and Movies fool you - Neverwinter Nights 2 looks incredible.
Swords clanged and gigantic dire bears were sliced in the eye during a Neverwinter Nights 2 demo last week. We got a chance to yet again check out how Obsidian's Dungeon and Dragons-based RPG is coming together, and it's sounding better then before. We pried lots of juicy information regarding the game's stronghold and party influence systems from Chris Avellone, one of the lead designers on the title, and will be concentrating on that for the rest of this preview. The basics of the game are largely covered by Feargus Urquhart's video walkthroughs posted a few months back. Since then, the game has finished in terms of content and features. According to Chris, the team is now in the process of polishing graphics, squashing bugs and various other chores, readying the title for its October release.
Neverwinter Nights 2 Updated Impressions - Character Creation, High-Level Battles, Story, and Character Development We take an exclusive look at this role-playing game sequel and discuss the story and character development with one of the finest RPG writers in the business.
'd rather be a one-legged leper with dandruff and a chronic bout of flatulence than an RPG developer right now. Everywhere you turn it's Oblivion this, Oblivion that: "How is your game going to respond to the way Oblivion did such and such?" It's enough to make even the most talented fantasy game development team slouch into their ergonomic chairs with a hefty sigh and think about throwing in the towel.
I was recently treated to a demo of the upcoming role-playing game Neverwinter Nights 2, and I believe it's safe to say that Obsidian Entertainment has been very busy since E3. It shows in the details, and when gamers look closely at Neverwinter Nights 2, they'll see just how much attention is being paid to even the smallest parts of this sequel.
I was recently treated to a demo of the upcoming role-playing game Neverwinter Nights 2, and I believe it's safe to say that Obsidian Entertainment has been very busy since E3. It shows in the details, and when gamers look closely at Neverwinter Nights 2, they'll see just how much attention is being paid to even the smallest parts of this sequel.
Neverwinter Vault #1
Getting to LA on Monday was totally uneventful which is just the way I like it when travelling on a plane. Tuesday morning I hopped into my car rental and headed out to Orange County to meet the Obsidian team. Once there I was greeted by Darren Monahan, Executive Producer for NWN2, who was kind enough to give me a tour of the offices since it was last November when I saw them last. They've expanded quite a bit and have taken over the whole building save for one tenant who's still holding out.
While at E3, I had the chance to sit down with some of the Obsidian Gang specifically Feargus and Ryan for a preview of Neverwinter Nights 2. Ryan was first up to give us a tour of the game. So we headed out to the arcade to hop on Neverwinter Nights 2, and when I say arcade I really mean that. Atari had set up all there game titles in an old fashion arcade style. Now granted Ryan still had a keyboard for NW2, but it was pretty neat to play the game in an arcade game case.
RPG Vault
Expected within the coming months, Neverwinter Nights 2 is the eagerly anticipated follow-up to one of the landmark releases of the past several years. This time, the development duties are being handled by a talented, experienced Obsidian Entertainment team whose combined past RPG credits are formidable indeed, including Fallout 2, the Baldur's Gate and Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance series, Planescape: Torment, Icewind Dale and more.
I really dug the original Neverwinter Nights. I probably was too into the game, as it is almost directly responsible for my ex-girlfriend breaking up with me. I'll tell you this much, playing the game was way more interesting than talking to her on the phone. I was, therefore, quite pleased when I arrived to Atari's booth and was led back into a small harem and shown Neverwinter Nights 2 (Someone restrain me from killing the man. I should be there! ME! - Ed. Vader).
Fans of RPG games won’t have long to wait for a PC fix that is certain to please. If you thoroughly enjoyed BioWare’s Neverwinter Nights (and its expansions), get ready for Obsidian’s Neverwinter Nights 2.
Ok, before you go too far with the ‘Obsidian? Never heard of them’ line, let’s short-circuit that quickly. Who is Obsidian? Those who have some history in playing role-playing games on the PC likely lamented when Black Isle Studios (Icewind Dale) closed. Guess where core members went? Hey, isn’t obsidian a black rock??? Are we on the same page now?
Obsidian managed a successful debut with Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II, despite having to face the Herculean task of crafting a sequel to one of the finest licensed games ever made, and by a developer no less than Bioware. In light of that, it suddenly seems a bit more understandable that they're now tackling the unthinkable challenge of crafting the sequel to Neverwinter Nights, perhaps the single most popular Dungeons and Dragons game ever.
Our preparation for this year's biggest gaming show wouldn't be complete without an advance look at one of the most highly anticipated role-playing sequels in development: Neverwinter Nights 2. 2002's Neverwinter Nights was a massive role-playing game that offered a huge single-player adventure, online capability, and editing tools to create your own custom dungeons. The sequel will attempt to improve on all fronts by introducing the updated "3.5 Edition" Dungeons & Dragons ruleset along with a much-improved 3D graphics engine.
Feargus Urquhart and his team at Obsidian Entertainment don't have to work hard when it comes to demonstrating their RPG credentials. This is, after all, the crew who (as Black Isle Entertainment) were responsible for some of the best RPGs ever made, including Planescape: Torment and the Fallout series, to say nothing of their work with Bioware on the Baldur's Gate games.
Our preparation for this year's biggest gaming show wouldn't be complete without an advance look at one of the most highly anticipated role-playing sequels in development: Neverwinter Nights 2. 2002's Neverwinter Nights was a massive role-playing game that offered a huge single-player adventure, online capability, and editing tools to create your own custom dungeons. The sequel will attempt to improve on all fronts by introducing the updated "3.5 Edition" Dungeons & Dragons ruleset along with a much-improved 3D graphics engine.
At the recent pre E3 event, Atari and Obsidian granted us the terrific opportunity to tap into their computer and record the direct-feed footage of the entire demonstration of Neverwinter Nights 2. Not only that, but Obsidian CEO Feargus Urquhart was on hand to mic up and lend his voice to give the demo meaning. While Neverwinter still has a lot of work to be done, you can see a lot of what will be involved with the game.
PC Action
Der Weg vom Bauerntölpel zum Helden eines verwunschenen Fantasy-Ländles ist bekanntermaßen steinig. So beginnt der Spieler auch in Neverwinter Nights 2 nicht im strahlenden Waffenrock, sondern beweist sich zunächst in einem Erntedankfest-Turnier als halbwegs tauglicher Recke.
Beyond that, character customisation extends into several other areas that D&D veterans will recognise: Alignment, Reputations, and Prestige Classes. Broken up into four main areas of Good, Evil, Chaotic, and Lawful, Alignment is personal to that character and is reflected in conversations with NPCs. As well as deciding up a certain alignment at the start of the game however, the attribute also changes according to the decisions and actions chosen by the player during the course of the game. Accurately described as a character's social alignment, Reputation is the population of Neverwinter Nights' knowledge of who your character is within the game world.
Feargus Urquart @
Developed by Bioware and released in 2002, the original Neverwinter Nights has continued to roll on, with a thriving mod community and a small number of expansion packs. Four years on, and the Neverwinter baton has been passed to Feargus Urquart's Obsidian Entertainment, which most recent produced LucasArts' Knights of the Old Republic II in 2005. TVG recently caught up with the Obsidian CEO to discuss all things Neverwinter, and his thoughts on the RPG genre as a whole...
Hooked Gamers
Neverwinter Nights 2 is the much-anticipated sequel to the very popular Dungeons & Dragons Role Playing Game, Neverwinter Nights. The game is being developed by Obsidian Entertainment and will be published by Atari. Many of the people that worked on past D&D games, along with Obsidian's development team from Star Wars: Sith Lords are working on this title and with such a veteran staff, this one should be sure to please even the most demanding D&D RPG gamer.
| en partenariat avec Atari a réussi à négocier une preview pour la communauté. En effet, la visite de F. Urquhart à Paris était initialement réservée à la Presse Papier et la preview du jeu n'aurait due être réservées qu'à ces journalistes. Mais l'occasion était trop grande pour qu'on ne tente pas le coup. Après moultes et longues négociations, nous avons réussi à obtenir 5 places qui ont été réparties comme suit. 3 offerts à 3 représentants des communautés pour discuter avec Atari des besoins de la communauté FR en terme de communication.
Games Radar
The perfect role-playing game? For legions of fans, that’s an easy one: the original Neverwinter Nights. The best Dungeons & Dragons-based game yet, Neverwinter’s dense single-player campaign marked an achievement in gripping, dramatic story development. And when you were finished with the basic story, you could create your own adventure with the robust custom-campaign generator. This became the hallmark of the franchise, and led to an avalanche of freely downloadable, fan-created content.
Als Neverwinter Nights von Bioware im Jahr 2002 veröffentlicht wurde, heimste es viel Lob durch Presse und Spielerhorden ein. Diesem Umstand war es auch zu verdanken, dass schließlich noch zwei offizielle Addons, namentlich Schatten von Undernzit (2003) sowie Die Horden des Unterreichs (2004) erschienen. Natürlich kann ein so erfolgreiches Spiel wie NWN auch nicht ohne einen Nachfolger bleiben. Dieses mal ist allerdings nicht mehr Bioware für die Entwicklung verantwortlich, sondern das nicht weniger bekannte/erfolgreiche Entwicklerstudio Obsidian Entertainment, welches unter anderem für die Star Wars Rollenspielereihe Knights of the Old Republic verantwortlich ist.
Preview @ gamesspy
Feargus Urquhart and his team at Obsidian Entertainment don't have to work hard when it comes to demonstrating their RPG credentials. This is, after all, the crew who (as Black Isle Entertainment) were responsible for some of the best RPGs ever made, including Planescape: Torment and the Fallout series, to say nothing of their work with Bioware on the Baldur's Gate games.
Preview @
Our preparation for this year's biggest gaming show wouldn't be complete without an advance look at one of the most highly anticipated role-playing sequels in development: Neverwinter Nights 2. 2002's Neverwinter Nights was a massive role-playing game that offered a huge single-player adventure, online capability, and editing tools to create your own custom dungeons. The sequel will attempt to improve on all fronts by introducing the updated "3.5 Edition" Dungeons & Dragons ruleset along with a much-improved 3D graphics engine.
Neverwinter Nights has been one of Bioware’s most successful RPGs to date, gaining both critical acclaim and a highly active online community since its release almost four years ago. Thanks to the game’s unique modular design, founded on the same principles as Quake, it has been host to several commercial expansions and a continuing supply of fan-made modules over the years, ranging from pen-and-paper recreations to fully persistent game worlds.
Most of us here at AT love playing Neverwinter Nights. Personally, I've gone through the original and both expansion packs, and I still hanker for more (more I tells ya!). Well, we're finally getting some more tangible info on the sequel, and my fanboy meter is shooting through the roof. We all know that Bioware gave Neverwinter Nights 2 over to the talented people at Obsidian Entertainment. After our feature on NWN 2, we became even more intrigued with the game, so we went directly to the source to learn more about this promising D&D RPG.
I'm starting this preview with good news: Neverwinter Nights 2 ended up in the crafty hands of Obsidian. Those guys have already shown us what they're capable of. Have you already forgotten KotOR II, the Force-leaking RPG? Honestly, I think KotOR 2 was way better than what Bioware have done, starting with the story and ending up with the gameplay.
NWVault Teil 3
Tonight is the last installment of my trip to Obsidian Entertainment to spend the day with them checking out Neverwinter Nights 2. On Monday we covered my travels and the demo they showed to media websites, on Wednesday we went over the toolset and tonight we'll wrap it up an interview with Shane DeFreest, Obsidian's Community Manager for NWN2.
NWVault Teil 2
Tonight is part two of my trip to Obsidian Entertainment to spend the day with them checking out Neverwinter Nights 2. On Monday we covered my travels and the demo they showed to media websites, and tonight we go over the toolset, gameplay, the official campaign and more. Then on Friday we'll have part three and wrap it up an interview with Shane DeFreest, Obsidian's Community Manager for NWN2.
NWVault Teil 1
Which fan of Neverwinter Nights wouldn't want to check out Neverwinter Nights 2, plus get to spend the day with the team from Obsidian Entertainment who are making it? Well through some good timing I got that chance, and I'm happy to report that the game is looking great and the community is going to be totally blown away by the toolset.
Obsidian is hard at work polishing Neverwinter Nights 2 for a 2006 release and I'm very intrigued by it. The new graphics engine, called Electron, is capable of some very attractive visuals, but the all new single player campaign, over 70 fully scalable monsters types, the inclusion of the warlock class, multi monitor support, the companion system where you can take three of ten party members into battle, and the improved modification toolset makes this so much more than just another fantasy adventure.
Obsidian is hard at work polishing Neverwinter Nights 2 for a 2006 release and I'm very intrigued by it. The new graphics engine, called Electron, is capable of some very attractive visuals, but the all new single player campaign, over 70 fully scalable monsters types, the inclusion of the warlock class, multi monitor support, the companion system where you can take three of ten party members into battle, and the improved modification toolset makes this so much more than just another fantasy adventure.
Yahoo Games
Next June will mark four years since the release of Bioware's Neverwinter Nights, the groundbreaking Dungeons & Dragons role-playing game that successfully brought the tabletop experience to gamers' PCs. Next June will also see the release of Neverwinter Nights 2, being developed by Obsidian Entertainment (Bioware is busy working on an original title). And based on an early preview, it's looking like a worthy successor.
We all know that making good and engaging RPGs takes time. Several hardworking professional development teams are out there right now, carefully laying the groundwork for the next wave of RPG titles. So, thanks to their effort, the computer entertainment industry can look forward to promising games such as Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, Gothic 3, and, of course, Neverwitner Nights 2 (currently being developed by Obsidian Entertainment).
Bye-bye Bioware: Nach Knights of the Old Republic geben die Kanadier die zweite Rollenspielserie aus den Händen. Bleiben die Entwickler von Obsidian der Qualität von Neverwinter Nights treu? Ferret macht blau - mit der Ausrede, europäischen Journalisten die aktuelle Version von Neverwinter Nights 2 vorzuführen, ließ Ferret Baudoin seine Kollegen im spätsommerlich-warmen Südkalifornien zurück. Auch wenn Ihnen der Name eventuell nichts sagt: Der Mann hat eine steile Karriere hinter sich. Vor acht Jahren war Baudoin noch Bug-Tester bei Activision, anschließend sammelte er bei den Cyberlore Studios seine ersten Design-Erfahrungen für zahlreiche Mechwarrior 4-Addons. Danach ging es weiter ins Fallout 3-Team bei Interplays Rollenspiel-Label Black Isle.
PC Action
Es gibt zu wenige heroische Herausforderungen in Ihrem Alltag? Dann bitte vorfreuen auf das Comeback saftig komplexer D&D-Kost in Form von Neverwinter Nights 2.
Es droht der tod am Steuer durch spontanen Sekundenschlaf, denn im Autoradio säuselt Phil Collins One More Night auf dem Schmusesender, aber das ist schon in Ordnung. Zum einen ist es im Großraum Los Angeles verdammt schwierig, überhaupt eine Station zu finden, die etwas anderes spielt, als mexikanische Polkavarianten oder Rap-Gedöns. Zum anderen bin ich unterwegs nach Santa Ana, um mir ein Spiel namens Neverwinter Nights 2 anzusehen.
We recently had a chance to go down to Obsidian Entertainment's studios to check out Neverwinter Nights 2. Even though the franchise has switched hands from Bioware to the still-budding developer, the latest installment so far seems to be in good hands.
Bioware's Neverwinter Nights employed the elaborate means of a modern computer game to recreate the collaborative experience of pen-and-paper role-playing; it ended up as an odd hybrid form, at once radical and reactionary. Rooted in the rules and arcana of Dungeons & Dragons and inviting deep creative involvement from its users, it was a game of considerable power and limitless potential. The franchise has since passed into the able stewardship of Obsidian Games, and we joined the genre veterans on the newly-occupied ground floor of a faintly ridiculous mock-Tudor office building in Orange County, for the first demonstration and discussion of Neverwinter Nights 2.
Neverwinter Nights was one of the best games of 2002, and Obsidian Entertainment is looking to improve on it with a beautiful new sequel. Neverwinter Nights was in many ways a complete role-playing game, which is why the folks at Obsidian Entertainment are taking an "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" approach to the sequel to 2002's highly successful RPG. That's not to say that Neverwinter Nights 2 will be a mirror image of the original game; Obsidian is taking many of the core ideas of Neverwinter Nights and improving them, as well as introducing a fancy new graphics engine to bring the visuals up to 2006 standards.
"If it ain't broke, don't fix it."
The speaker is Feargus Urquhart, CEO and big kahuna at Obsidian Entertainment. The place is an undistinguished office park in Southern California and we're sitting around a conference table discussing the company's latest project. RPG fans of a more recent vintage may be familiar with Obsidian's work on the sequel to BioWare's Knights of the Old Republic. Old-school fans, on the other hand, may remember Feargus and most of the company's principal founders from their days at Black Isle Entertainment (a division of Interplay).
Now that the tangled weave of Interplay, Black Isle, BioWare and TSR has basically been straightened out, we're starting to see more work done by developers who had a hand in games like Baldur's Gate, Fallout, and the more recent Neverwinter Nights, which was an inspired creation for more than just its gameplay. AIt was accompanied by an amazing toolset that has been used by the community to create thousands of modules. Now the people that brought us Knights of the Old Republic 2 -- who just happen to have worked on several of the old RPG greats mentioned above -- are coming back with a sequel to that 2002 great. Neverwinter Nights 2 should be bigger for a lot of reasons including a more complete single player experience and much improved toolset.
The ascent of the cult of Neverwinter Nights was dazzling - straddling the domain of the hardened role-player and that of the RPG-curious with a spectacular display of undead-slashing and user-friendliness. Even 'real people' were converted into pitiful dice-rolling warriors and wizards - making it somewhat of a gateway drug for World Of Warcraft. And so bid welcome to Neverwinter Nights 2 (unfortunately not called Neverwinter Noons, Neverwinter Dusks or any other interesting time of day).
Those who read me regularly will know that while I support goblins, elves, magi and whatnot and uphold them fully, there's little record of the words 'Dungeons' and 'Dragons' ever being thrust firmly enough together that I've been gaily trapped in their midst for any length of time. I dabbled in Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance, but that's about the extent of it, and not exactly a badge of honour in the dark recesses of the Internet to which this link's likely to propagate. What in the name of all the dice that have more than six sides, then, you're wondering, am I doing writing about Neverwinter Nights 2?
PC Games
Ein heißer Herbst in Orange County, die Santa-Ana-Winde bescheren trockene Wüstenluft. Welch passender Produktionsstandort für ein Spiel, das sich um eine Stadt namens "Niewinter" dreht. Obsidian Entertainment ist kürzlich erst umgezogen, zwei Querstraßen von den alten Büros entfernt, doch die ersten Schreibtische stehen schon wieder in den Gängen.
Der Sonnenschein wird hier gar nicht gewürdigt, Bildschirmarbeiter reagieren schon beim Einschalten der Deckenbeleuchtung mit irritiertem Augenblinzeln. In Kürze sind mehr Quadratmeter in dem Gebäude frei und Feargus Urquhart kann mit seiner Rollenspielfabrik weiter expandieren.
The sequel to BioWare's award-winning role-playing game has been announced, and we received some details on the game at a recent press event. The game is in development at Orange County, California-based Obsidian Entertainment, a studio founded by alumni from Black Isle Studios--former publisher of and collaborator with BioWare on many of the Canadian developer's formative games, including the original Neverwinter Nights before publishing rights were transferred to Atari.
Although we've known that Neverwinter Nights 2 has been in development for a while now, it wasn't until this week that Atari, Obsidian and BioWare officially announced that the title was in development. Being fans of the original game, we talked to Obsidian CEO Feargus Urquhart and Producer Darren Monahan from Obsidian Entertainment and BioWare Joint CEOs Ray Muzyka and Greg Zeschuk about the sequel, and learned the first details about what we can expect from the upcoming RPG. Note that although the sequel has been in the planning stages for a while now, the game has only been in development for a few weeks, so a lot of details are still up in the air at this point.